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National Accident Helpline Achieves Productivity & Flexibility Gains with Ivanti

CWSI helped well known UK brand National Accident Helpline to roll out and maintain a secure nationwide EMM solution for its 80+ IOS devices.

National Accident Helpline (NAH) is the UK’s best known personal injury specialists. Helping over a million people claim compensation over the last 21 years, NAH receives some 240,000 consumer contacts every year. Established in 1993, NAH is part of leading UK consumer marketing specialists NAHL Group.

The Challenge

With upwards of 80 IOS devices up and down the country there was an increased risk of company data lose and NAH wanted employees to be able to make the most of their devices while knowing that their company data was safe and secure.

Having highlighted mobile devices as a potential operational risk for NAH but coming at EMM completely fresh, what NAH needed was a trusted partner to help advise on a potential route forward.

The Solution

Already a trusted and long-standing supplier of NAHs McAfee security solution, CWSI was an obvious first choice for Marcus Hennessey, IT Operations Manager,  to approach regarding his new EMM needs. Offering Marcus a full end-to-end solution, CWSI’s services included everything from initial advice through to implementation and ongoing support.

Following a thorough analysis of the different vendor solutions available, Ivanti was identified as the clear winner. An experienced and trusted CWSI partner, Ivanti offered NAH market-leading technology with the inbuilt flexibility that a platform-agnostic solution embodies. Ivanti is a leader in Gartner’s 2015 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Mobility Management Suites for the 5th year in a row.

Ivanti stands out from other EMM vendors by providing expanded EMM capabilities to IT organisations that need to secure mobile devices, applications and content. The Ivanti Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solution is a mobile security platform that secures data-at-rest on mobile devices, in applications and in cloud storage, as well as data-in-motion as it moves between corporate networks, devices, and storage repositories.

To fit with NAHs busy workload, Ivanti was rolled out to the company’s 80+ IOS devices over a period of several months, something which also allowed ample time for NAH to fully adjust and familiarise itself with the new technology.

“CWSI helped train our technicians and pass on valuable best-practice advice, which in turn gave us the confidence to make sure our EMM solution was truly optimised for the end-user” explains Marcus.

Since the initial rollout, CWSI has helped NAH expand the solution to include iPads as well as an additional 25 devices following the integration of a new satellite company. CWSI also supports NAH with an ongoing EMM support package and its continued supply of NAHs McAfee solution.

The Results

Since the EMM implementation, NAH has been repeatedly impressed with CWSIs expertise, flexibility and competitiveness. Having delivered on price so many times.

“CWSI has been fantastic,” says Marcus. “They work really well with our team, taking us from an idea right through to implementation and support.”

On top of making life easier for Marcus and his IT team, CWSIs service and the Ivanti solution have also facilitated greater productivity and ease of working right across the organisation. Now Marcus can let NAH employees use feature-rich devices in the way that they want without worrying about risks to company data security.

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